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I can't fix you. Neither can my colleagues. We can't fix your kids or your spouse or your friends... not even your crazy Uncle Charley. What the field of mental health offers is the opportunity to "fix" yourselves! You learn to manage your moods and thoughts and even your actions so that your life is TRANSFORMED. That is what I offer you. If you engage with me you can Transform your life.


From sadness to happiness.


From insecurity to confidence.


From inaction to action.


From despair and frustration to Hope and Fulfillment.


Why not start today? I even make house calls, I do not watch the clock, and as my client you can call me absolutely anytime. I have camped with my clients, I have kayaked and hiked with them, I have played basketball and Uno with them. I have spent up to five days with them... moving in with them and checking their every move, as they do in more traditional societies, in pursuit of lasting change... 


I will discover how best to engage with you, and I will evermore be accessible to you. Once I even had a client come to our session via kayak on the local Rancocas Creek. Whatever it takes is fine by me.


My clients tell me I'm not like other therapists, that I don't fit any stereotypes. I'm casual, I'm direct and I'm effective. And I am often blunt and will hold your feet to the fire. My clients and I treat each other as family. And through it all, I will stay by your side and help you get where you need to be. You can depend on my support, my encouragement, my faith in you.


I do very well with kids and teens. That's how I started out in this business. In fact, I used to be a teacher of grades 4-12. Over the years my client base and skill set expanded, so that my youngest client was 4 and my oldest 86.


The typical amount for a session with me is $150, and I employ a sliding scale. This scale is based on what you are able to afford. As I wrote above, I don't watch the clock. My sessions last up to two hours, and you're not going to find another therapist who offers you this.


You see, the Purpose of Life - of Your Life - is to find and maintain your Purpose. This particular orientation, this philosophy, is known as Logotherapy. Teaching this is my purpose.


I also utilize Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, which is the proven fact that if you change your thoughts, you will change your feelings and behaviors.


This all takes practice, and the empathetic conviction of a dedicated guide... I will be honored to be your guide.


And what's key to enjoy a fulfilled, purpose-driven life is Gratitude, Love & Forgiveness... a spiritual awakening of your place and power in this world. I will help you find these gifts, and unlock these strengths. We will explore this together. Take my hand and see.


... the Transformation process begins.




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